Love, Courage, Honor
In 1955, the UConn School of Nursing chartered Mu Chapter as the 11th chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, the Honor Society of Nursing. There are now over 540 chapters internationally.
Headquartered in Indianapolis, Sigma Theta Tau encourages scholarship and research in nursing. Mu Chapter holds local meetings throughout the year and sends representatives to the society’s annual regional, national, and international conferences. In addition, outstanding research proposals are funded by monetary awards from the Mu Chapter and Sigma Theta Tau International.
Undergraduate and graduate students, as well as nursing professionals and community leaders, who meet eligibility requirements are invited to join.
Eligibility Criteria
Undergraduate and CEIN BS Students
- Completed half of the nursing curriculum
- Have a GPA of a least 3.5 (based on 4.0 grading scale)
MS Students
- Completed a quarter of the nursing curriculum
- Have a GPA of a least 3.5 (based on 4.0 grading scale)
Doctoral Students
- Completed a quarter of the nursing curriculum
- Have a GPA of a least 3.5 (based on 4.0 grading scale)
Nursing Professionals & Community Leaders
Mu Chapter Leadership
- President: Elizabeth Mayerson
- Vice President: Valarie Artigas
- Secretary: Amisha Parekh de Campos
- Treasurer: Marianne Snyder
- Leadership Succession Chair: Amanda Moreau
- Governance Committee Chair: Denise Bourassa
- Research Chair: Wanli.Xu@uconn.edu
Sigma Theta Tau Mu Research Award
All Mu Chapter members are eligible to apply for an award of up to $1,000 to support research/clinical practice projects.
Applications that are emailed to the current Mu Chapter president will be accepted on a rolling basis and evaluated 3 times a year (June 5, September 5, January 5). Up to 6 awards will be given annually.
Includes: Knowledgebases, the Online Journal of Knowledge Synthesis in Nursing, and the Registry of Nursing Research, which includes both published and unpublished nursing research (Sigma Membership Number is needed for entry).
All applicants must complete these forms for allocation of funds prior to submitting an application to Sigma.
UConn SON Cover Page
SON Grant Preparation Submission Manual
Sigma Theta Tau Mu Research Award Recipients
2021 Award Recipients
Pornpan Srisopa - "Self-Management of Breast and Nipple Pain Intervention and Genetic Variations Effect on Depressive Symptoms among Women after Giving Birth: A Secondary Analysis of a Pilot RCT."
MaryAnn Perez-Brescia - "The Lived Experience of Hispanic Men in Managing Type 2 Diabetes: A Phenomenological Study"
Hayley Dunnack - "A retrospective evaluation of phenotypical and mediating factors in oral health and general symptom clustering over the course of chemoradiation treatment for head and neck cancer: Associations with treatment adherence and need for hospitalization"
Sarah Todd - "Predictors of Emergency Department Utilization in Persons with Chronic Pain: A Secondary Data Analysis"
Patience Akugue - "Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Online Stress Management Program for Nurse Practitioners in Skilled Nursing Facilities in times of a Pandemic such as COVID-19: A Quality Improvement Project"
2022 Award Recipients
Zequan Wang - "Nurses Knowledge of Heart Failure Assessment and Management: A Cross-sectional Survey"
Joseph Fetta - "Concussion Management Teams in Secondary Schools Survey"
Batool Almasri - "Development of barriers and facilitators of cancer pain self-management instrument: A Mixed Method Study Proposal"
Tingting Zhao - "Association between mitochondrial function and neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants following early life stress"
2022 Award Recipients
Yuxuan Yang - "Analysis of a Telephone Reminiscence Program for Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Mixed Methods Study"
2024 Award Recipients
Weizi Wu - "RNA Differential Expression Throughout One Chemotherapy Cycle and Its Association with Pain/Fatigue in Colorectal Cancer Patients"