Alumni Awards

Distinguished Alumni Award Nominations

Thank you for taking the time to nominate a member of the School of Nursing alumni community! We appreciate your time and dedication to the School. Awards will be given out at the annual commencement ceremonies.

Awards include:

  • The Carolyn Ladd Widmer Outstanding Alumni Award for Leadership in Nursing
  • The Eleanor K. Gill Outstanding Alumni Award for Clinical Excellence in Nursing
  • The Beverly Koerner Outstanding Alumni Award for Education in Nursing
  • The Marlene Kramer Outstanding Alumni Award for Research in Nursing
  • The Josephine A. Dolan School of Nursing Distinguished Service Award

Nominees should meet the following criteria:

  1. Alumni status from the School of Nursing (individual alumni or a group may be nominated; at least one group member must be an alum of a School of Nursing degree program).
  2. Demonstrated excellence in the award category (leadership, clinical excellence, research, service or education).
  3. Significant contributions to their nursing environment.
  4. Professional and/or community service.

School of Nursing alumni should use this form to nominate themselves or fellow alumni for the School's Distinguished Alumni Awards.

Your Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Award(s) You Are Nominating Them For:(Required)
Nominee's Address(Required)
Please make a short statement (50 words or less) describing your nominee’s affiliation with the School of Nursing, your nominee's past and present employment, and any reasons why you think your nominee would be a good candidate for the selected award.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.