Ruth Lucas
Associate Professor
I am a nurse scientist, educator, innovator, and researcher focused on maternal-child health, breastfeeding, pain, and genetics. My primary goal is to shift the breastfeeding paradigm from a maternal-only psychological approach to an infant-maternal biopsychosocial science using biopsychosocial mechanisms within the dyadic interaction between infant and mother.
Research Interests
- Breastfeeding
- Pain and Pain Management
- Infant Development
- Cannabinoid Use in Pregnancy and Lactation
“It Takes Two” video – Dr. Lucas discusses how breastfeeding takes effort on the part of both the baby and the mother.
In the News
- Healthcare Innovation Development Through Bedside Discovery and Doctoral Education — MedTech Boston, June 2019
- Nursing Science for Nursing Mothers.pdf — Unison, Fall 2019, p. 17
- Women on Women’s Health — UConn Health Journal, Spring 2018
- Breastfeeding preterm infants in the NICU: When is it safe? — Prolacta Bioscience, August 2017
Honors & Awards
- 2020: Johnson & Johnson Maternal Child Nurse Innovate Finalist
- 2019: UConn School of Nursing
- 2019: Mary Lawrence Research Development Award, 2019
- 2018: Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation: Moore Inventor Fellows Competition. Selected to the National Competition
- 2017: Maternal report of nipple and breast pain during breastfeeding in late preterm and full-term breastfeeding dyads. Building Brighter Futures: Advances in Pediatric and Neonatal Care. Groton, CT. 2nd Place Poster.
- 2011: Beta Epsilon Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International “Rising Star Award”
- 2011: What is in your ultrasound gel? Association of Women’s Health Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses Annual Convention, Denver, CO. Winner of Best poster
- 2010: Seth Rosen Dissertation Award, University of Illinois at Chicago
- 2008: University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Graduate Student Poster Competition – MNRS Conference Award Funded to represent UIC
- 2007: University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Graduate Student Poster Competition – MNRS Conference Award Funded to represent UIC
Selected Publications | |
Office Location | SH 112A |
Campus | Storrs |