Michelle Judge

Ph.D., RD, CD-N

Associate Professor


Dr. Judge is an expert in essential fatty acid metabolism and has a record of leading national and foundationally funded research. Her research program is focused on the influence of long chain omega-3 fatty acids in symptom management and biobehavioral health outcomes in women and infants. Specific research methodologies include omic, biochemical and microbiome based approaches for translational and clinical bio-behavioral discovery.

Research Funding

  • Grant Award (2017): Role: PISeafood Industry Research Fund (SIRF) and the Alaskan Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI), Adaptive Symptom Care Using Fish-Based Nutritional Directives Post Breast Cancer. Status: Project Underway.
  • Grant Award (2016): Role: PI. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Herbert and Nylda Gemple Award, Association between dietary omega-3 fatty acid intake patterns and psychoneurological symptoms in women following treatment for early-stage breast cancer. Status: Project Completed.
  • Grant Award (2016): Role: PIConnecticut Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (CICATS) Pre-K Career Development Award supporting the development of research investigating the role of long chain omega-3 fatty acids in reducing inflammatory load, psychoneurological symptoms and expression of lipogenic genes in women following treatment for early-stage breast cancer. Status: Project Completed.
  • Grant Award (2015): Role: PISeafood Industry Research Fund (SIRF) to expand an existing pilot project to evaluate associations between Omega-3LCPUFA supplementation and inflammatory cytokines, BMI and postpartum depressive symptomatology. Status: Project completed.
  • Grant Award (2015): Role: PI. CT Sea Grant to expand an existing survey project to Obstetric Physicians of attitudes, knowledge & prescribing patterns of Omega-3 with obstetric patients. Funded also to develop an informational web site and mobile app. Status: Project completed.
  • Grant Award (2014): Role: PITONER award from the University of Connecticut for a pilot project investigating associations between Omega-3LCPUFA supplementation and inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-1, CRP, TNFα) and postpartum depressive symptomatology. Status: Project completed.
  • Grant Award (2013): Role: PIAcademy of Nutrition & Dieteticsto conduct a needs assessment of Certified Nurse Midwives attitudes, knowledge & prescribing patterns of Omega-3 with obstetric patients. Status: Project completed.
  • Training (2014/2015): Attended Jackson Laboratory’s 55th Annual Short Course on Medical and Experimental Mammalian Genetics. PI also established a working collaboration with Dr. Erin Young who is a Geneticist on faculty at the University of Connecticut with expertise in SNP analyses and who will collaborate on this investigation.

Selected Publications

National Library of Medicine bibliography

A portrait of associate professor Michelle Judge.
Contact Information
Office LocationSH 109