Louise Reagan
Associate Professor & Director, PhD Program
Dr. Reagan’s interests in diabetes and chronic illness self-care management build upon 17 years of experience as an advanced practice registered nurse in an urban primary care practice. She has conducted research with persons with diabetes transitioning from prison to the community to improve self-management and reentry outcomes, and with community dwelling adults with comorbid conditions to understand the interplay of pain, inflammation, and genetics on self-management of type 2 diabetes and chronic low back pain. Furthermore, in her role as an interventionist on the NIH-funded multisite RO1 Diabetes Learning in Virtual Environments (LIVE), she has developed and provided innovative diabetes self-management education to diverse persons.
She has presented nationally and internationally on research related to correctional nursing workforce, diabetes and pain self-management among incarcerated and community populations, and electronic daily diary methodology. Her teaching interests include research conduct and methods, evidence-based practice and nurse practitioner education. Reagan is an approved researcher with the Connecticut DOC, co-chair of the Criminal Justice Violence Trauma Research Interest Group of Eastern Nursing Research Society and a board member for the Academic Consortium Criminal Justice Health.
Honors & Awards
- 2016: Scholar, Academic Consortium for Criminal Health Justice (ACCJH)
- 2015: Elected to BRIDGE (Behavioral Research in Diabetes Group Exchange). Invitational Interprofessional Society for scientists conducting behavioral research in diabetes.
- 2015: American Diabetes Association (ADA) Focus on Fellows Program
- 2014: Connecticut Nurses Association Josephine A. Dolan Award to Correctional Managed Health Care Education and Simulation Committee members and UConn School of Nursing for Outstanding Contributions to Nursing Education
- 2008-2011: University of Connecticut, School of Nursing Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
- 2005: Hartford Hospital – The Nightingale Award
Selected Publications

louise.reagan@uconn.edu | |
Office Location | SH 102C |
Campus | Storrs |