Kristin Berghoff


Assistant Clinical Professor

Director, Nurse Educator Track


As a leader in the practice environment, Dr. Berghoff integrated best-practices from learning science, adult learning, and change management theories in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a multitude of education and professional development programs. Dr. Berghoff aims to develop future nurse educators who have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to lead an intentional practice towards shaping the next generation of healthcare professionals – the knowledge required to advocate for effective pedagogy to meet healthcare professionals where they are as adult learners, the skills to collaborate across practice settings to develop strategies to address current healthcare challenges, and an attitude of teaching being a deliberate practice requiring self-reflection, lifelong learning, and continuous quality improvement.


Research/Scholarship Interests

  • Preceptors
  • Transition to practice
  • Evidence-based practice
  • Learning science
  • Curriculum development
  • Academic-practice partnerships
  • Clinical judgment development


  • DNP, University of Connecticut, DNP Final Project: Improving Preceptor Continuing Education: A Pilot Distributed Learning Workshop to Improve Preceptor Self-Efficacy
  • MS, University of Connecticut, Nursing – Clinical Nurse Leader track
  • Graduate Certificate, University of Connecticut, Health Professions Education
  • BS, University of Connecticut, Nursing


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