Natalie J. Shook
Director, Biobehavioral Research Lab
I am an experimental social psychologist. The goal of my research is to understand psychosocial factors that influence psychological and physical health, as well as social attitudes. I am particularly interested in negative cognitive processes that underlie depression, anxiety, and pain, and the extent to which mindfulness may improve these conditions. I also study psychological disease avoidance processes (e.g., disgust, germ aversion) and how they shape health, social, and political attitudes and behaviors. Finally, I am interested in mental and physical health disparities experienced by different racial/ethnic, age, sexual, and gender identity groups.
Visit the Shook Lab website.
Research/Scholarship Interests
- Mindfulness
- Mental health
- Healthy aging
- Pain
- Health disparities
Honors & Awards
- 2017: Faculty Award for Distinction in Mentoring of Undergraduates in Research
- 2017: Outstanding Service Award from the McNair Scholars Program
- 2015: Eberly College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Researcher Award
Selected Publications
View Dr. Shook’s full publication list on Google Scholar.
(* graduate student advisee; ** undergraduate student advisee)
**Gibb, A., *Wilson, J., *Ford, C. G., & Shook, N. J. (2022). Does mindfulness reduce negative interpretation bias? Cognition and Emotion, 36, 284-299.
*Lee, J., *Ford, C. G., *McCluskey, D. L., *Hopkins, P. D., McNeil, D. W., & Shook, N. J. (2022). Testing the effectiveness of Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment for Depression-Revised: Changes in depression, anxiety, dysfunctional attitudes, and mindfulness. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
*Sevi, B., & Shook, N. J. (2021). The relation between disgust sensitivity and risk-taking propensity: A domain specific approach. Judgment and Decision Making, 16, 950-968.
*Haliwa, I., *Wilson, J., *Lee, J., & Shook, N. J. (2021). Predictors of change in mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Affective Disorders, 291, 331-337.
*Wilson, J., *Sevi, B., Strough, J., & Shook, N. J. (2021). Age differences in risk taking: Now you see them, now you don’t. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. | |
Office Location | SH 113B |
Campus | Storrs |
Link | Shook Lab |